Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Opening statements and first witness

So, here we the first bathroom break in the trial. I don't have much time to email, so this will have to be brief.

C-murder's family finally arrived right as opening statements started. I might be wrong...but I think I spy Silk the Shocker in the audience! Apparently he is ALSO the brother of master p.

DAs opening statement: the da referred to corey miller only as c murder. He opened by discussing the victim, a 16 year old who idolized c murder. He also tried to show that he was down with the rap culture by referring to the calliope housing projects as the cp3. Please keep in mind he looks like the dad from american pie, so I don't buy it. Aside: the judge is very striking in appearance. He has ron blagojovek hair.

Defense statement: I may have prematurely judged this lawyer because of his slow gait, and advanced age. He is pretty quick. He referred to c murder only by his Christian name, which was obviously smart. He also kept telling the jury to look at the evidence. He made a comment about the state's witnesses being coreced into testifying, which prompted a slew of objections.

The jury, btw? Probably the worst case scenario for c murder. It is jury which is disproportionately white and over the age of 50. Bad news bears.

Unrelated: every time the attys approach the bench, the judge puts on this elevator style classical music. It seems so....odd. If I were the DA, I would file a motion to request that they play "make em say Uhhhhh."

The first witness was the father of the victim, and his testimony was absolutely heart breaking. The victim idolized the miller brothers so much that he made a sign which read, "master p, c murder, silk the shocker, and Steve (his name)." the father was crying on the stand, and part of the family had to leave during the testimony. I'm not sure why they opened with him, though. I would think you'd want to close with that. Very powerful.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

E-murda said...

OMG, I just peed my pants at work...