Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Subway Musings

-This morning on the subway, I started reading the Financial Times over a random co-ed's shoulder. I thought this would be the moment where Random Co-Ed would catch my eye and say, "Here, lets share the paper", and then I would have insta-boyfriend. This did not happen, and instead he turned around, shot me a nasty look, and then folded the paper so that I would no longer be able to read it.
-Who are these women with extra large engagement rings, who ride the subway in sweats?? I have realized that even if, by some off-chance, someone DOES ask me to marry them, I think I will never quit my job. When I took 3 days off to study for the LSAT, circa hour 8, I almost applied for a part time job at pinkberry to kill some time for the rest of my 3 day vacation.
-Who are these people who lean against the pole during rush hour traffic??? I hate these people so much. I've tried fighting back any way I can, but usually my "fighting back" ends up meaning that my hand is crushed behind someones back, and i look like i'm inappropriately touching a stranger.
-Sometimes when I ride the subway, I like to pump the Eric Prydz, "Call on Me", on the IPod, and pretend like i'm in Europe. But then some a-hole in an a-rod jersey pushes me out of the way, I drop my purse and everything falls out, people kick it around and then a mariachi band tramples me. Read more