Friday, February 01, 2013

...And then I played Blackjack with DeAngelo Williams

It's Superbowl time here in New Orleans. Which of course means, celebrities, news analysts, and football players.  Everywhere.  Well last night I had a run in with one such football player.
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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

....And then I went to Pure Barre

Have we all heard of Pure Barre? For those who haven't, it is an exercise class which is all the rage amongst the women of the upper middle class.  At an astounding $25 a class, it is not something I would ever do. But, the first class is free. And we all know how much I love free things. Especially food samples. But, I can get behind free exercise classes too. So when a friend invited me to go with her, I agreed.

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