Sunday, February 07, 2010

Oh my god

Omg omg omg. Omg. Omg. Omg.
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Equus just got in a fistfight and slapped a saints fan in the face. NOT ME!! And he was kickrd out!!!
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To quote Lil Nore --- "sir, garrett hartley, you are not."
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MVP. Soooooo going to get laid tonight. Heart him. WHO DAT. DATE ME.
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The tides are changing

I have just won an inflatable cooler ina raffle!!!!! Also spoke to Equus, whose first born is named Peyton. No joke.
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The WHO dat are going to give saints strength. Lance moore will be huge threat. He will be co- game MVP with brees and hartley. I BELIEVE. FINISH STRONG. WHO DAT. Have also had jaggerbombs.
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The colts fans are gross

This one unattractive girl keeps yelling "f you saints." Who says that????? I want to punch her in the mouth. Hating the saints is like hating Anne Hathaway ---just doesn't happen. I think she may have heard me calling her an "ugly rhymes with witch."
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Things I've yelled out in the bar

"Peyton Manning, even your own mom hates you."

"Peyton Manning, you are a traitor to your city."

"Peyton manning, you are a bastard in a basket."
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Let's remember

Even if we lose this least chad ochocinco isn't on our team. And mardi gras is upon us.
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I want to vomit

I am going to vomit on the table. Someone has tampered with colston's gloves. They are made out of the foam finger material. FINISH STRONG.
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God bless you Scott Fujita

An ode to scott fujita: I love you.

Also: Betty White commercial; awesome.
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Coin toss

History shows that the winner of the coin toss is more likely to win than the loser. WHO DAT. GEAUX SAINTS.
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Carrie Underwood

So what do we think about Carrie's ensemble?? Very space-age...and those shoes are pretty ferosh. Omg! Did I see a Saints player crying??? LOVE IT.
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Layne V Equus

Oh ITS ON. This mothaf*cka started booing the saints. It is ON.
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This Jay-Z commercial

Is the BOMB!!!!!! Jay-z obviously is rooting for the Saints. WHO DAT.
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I've switched the blackberry

The comp died and I've switched to these posts will be short. But HUGE development: EQUUS HAS RETURNED. YES. Bring it on HORSE MAN. Good thing I started drinking.
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Sounds of the Game

Some of my favorite quotes from today:

...and it's a BIG DAY for pizza lovers!" Shameless product placement by CBS.
"F*CK YOU PEYTON" Said multiple times, by multiple people.
"I wonder what Peyton's carrying in that satchel" -- Lil Nore as the CBS Pre-Game show stopped all planned coverage for 10 minutes to follow Peyton Manning as he entered the stadium.
"IS THIS WHERE THE LESBIAN SUMO WRESTLING IS HAPPENING?" A man, who was apparently lost, upon entering the bar.
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Live from the ATL

What a beautiful Superbowl Sunday! The sun is shining, the air is crisp, and me? I'm in a darkened bar at the magic booth preparing for Black and Gold Superbowl!

The Magic Booth

So - first order of business. How tired are we hearing about Peyton Manning?? JESUS. H. CHRIST. The pre-game show just spent like 20 minutes showing footage of Peyton boarding the bus to make his way to the stadium. Is this really a story???

FYI - I have been watching this pre-game show for...a while...and they have not yet mentioned Drew Brees' name. Homie can't get NO RESPECT.

As an aside: I think the CBS went out and got the 20 Colts fans in Miami right now to appear in their "pre-game" show area. There are about 30 Colts fans to 3 Saints fans. But it's cool - New Orleanians aren't going to go to some lame-ass tv program "party" when there are better parties to be had. WHO DAT.
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The Importance of a Good Pre-Game Chant

Football is all about good motivation. And what motivates a football team right before the set off into battle? A good pre-game chant. Some of the best below.

There are a couple of tactics people take in their pre-game chant creation. I will discuss 4 such examples below.

The "giving your players non-verbal clues that should you lose the game, you will have a full-on fetal position nervous breakdown" chant

Voice cracking...head shaking...all the tell-tale signs of someone who is fighting with every ounce of his might to avoid the stream of tears. The Miami Hurricanes went on to lose the game 7-10 against FSU.

The "using a word in your chant, repeatedly, that your players might find curious" routine

To me - "doggone" does not belong in football. I get it though -- Brian Dawkins is an 8 time Pro Bowler, so obviously he has some skills. I wonder if this fired people up? He's got the delivery, tone and intensity spot on...but the "doggone" is just THROWING ME OFF. Is this a word people in Philly use with regularity?

The "this guy is batshit crazy and if we don't win this game he might come after me and my family" pre-game routine

That is one scary mothafucka right there. I would not mess with him. Did you hear his last scream?? He sounded like a velociraptor. Also, how is a trainer assigned to the task of slapping a player across the face? Do you think there is an email sent around on friday night to all the staff that is basically like, "Okay - John had to do it last week, so who is going to step up and slap Henderson on Sunday. Come on guys...please someone volunteer - if not, we're going to have to go to a lottery system..."

The chant that has SO OBVIOUSLY been practiced

Look, I'm a former Glee Clubber (before it was made cool by the hit tv series "Glee"). I appreciate coordination. I appreciate it when people sing on tune. I appreciate rhythm. So I love this chant. The "dogs in the house" bit with the barking is a bit...caveman-esque...but I suppose that having professional football players end a song with harmony is just asking too much.

The World's Greatest Pre-Game Chant Ever

Now you expect me to critique this chant?? I love it. I love Drew Brees. Drew Brees can do no wrong. Drew Brees is a Saint. I want Drew Brees to stand by my bed every morning when I want to hit snooze again, and yell "SMELL GREATNESS - FINISH STRONG" to induce me to get out of bed in the morning.
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