Monday, January 04, 2010

It's a New Year - So...

Time for New Year's Resolutions!

Resolution #1: Will Lose 30lbs.
Have recently been very successful with diet first semester of school, but I fear that my steady diet of movie popcorn, post-drinking pizza, and pecan pie over xmas break may have derailed the train a bit.

Resolution #2: Will Stop Unrequited Romances.
There comes a point in every delusional girl's life that she has to realize "it's just not going to happen for you." Drew Brees will never love me like I love him. This can also be said for my unrequited loves who are not professional football players (here's looking at you Stephen Hawking). I am simply not in the same league of those I am attracted to - College graduate with good job? This is not do-able for me. My parents lied to me when I was growing up and gave me an overblown ego. It's time to wake up and deal with the cards i've been dealt. Time to start looking for those who have just completed GED programs. Or maybe there is a nice guy who just got out of prison who could change my car tires. Anyone have an employee who is at risk of being deported? Send 'em to me.

Resolution #3: Will actually finish writing a script. I have been telling people all over every which place that I am a struggling screenwriter. This is *sort of* true in the sense that I downloaded the demo copy of "FinalDraft," and had written 17 pages of various things...but then I had the great computer crash of 2009, and lost everything. So I am a "screenwriter" in the same way a law student is a, not one at all.
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