Friday, September 18, 2009

Can we just get real for a moment here?

WHAT THE F IS GOING ON WITH FACEBOOK THESE DAYS? I remember when facebook was so elite that the likes of miscreants who did not attend ivy league colleges were not tolerated (i.e, me). Now, i'm not suggesting that we go back to those dark ages when I was constantly refreshing to see if my college had miraculously made it on the list...but there needs to be some standards.

Example: My Mother is now on facebook. My mother, who has just recently learned how to right-click the mouse, is now posting on walls, commenting on photos and monitoring my profile. Also, please note that my mother lists her year of birth as 1985. In case you were wondering - I was born in 1984.

Also, i'm constantly being invited to join some such mess called Mafia Wars. What is this thing, anyway? Is it the modern day equivalent of "Drug Wars" - the game everyone had on their TI-83 graphing calculator in high school? I find it especially ironic that so many people have suddenly decided to invite me to participate on their team, when, as a child, I was always picked last for teams. You didn't want me to be on your dodge ball team, but now you're dying for me to join your crew as a lieutenant? Guess who's getting the last laugh now as "ignore" on your request. Hmm. So... that isn't the sort of vengeance I always had in mind growing up. Whatever. It's a recession. I'll take what I can get.
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