Wednesday, August 05, 2009

I have failed you

So - I left the trial at lunch because I figured the rest of the witnesses would be boring police officers, but no! It turns out the witness after the lunch break was Darnell Jordan, the first of 2 eyewitnesses. Jordan was working security at the illustrious "Platinum Club" when Corey Miller allegedly shot Steve Thomas, the 16 year old fan. Apparently security was so heightened because Jordan had told police that C-Murder's crew was looking for him to "deal" with him after they heard he had talked to police. HOW COULD I MISS THIS????

In other news: as I was leaving the courthouse, one of the sheriffs officer turns to me and says, "So I see you dressed more appropriately today." Awesome. I am getting a reputation as the inappropriately dressed gatecrasher.

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