Thursday, August 06, 2009

Day 2 - c murder trial

750am: wake up to a most unwelcome surprise. Last night, dedicated 2 readers, I attempted something called, a "Self tan" in trying to look my best for this celebrity filled circus. Well let's just say....the resulting look is not flattering at all. I look like a feral child who rolled around in the clay dirt of west Virginia, and the decided, "I think I'll go put on a suit, hitch a ride from some truckers, and go watch a murder trial today.

845am:am running to the courthouse to get there in time and to get a seat. Arrive out of breath, sweating, covered in orange feral child streaks, only to find that the courtroom is packed with people awaiting arraignment. Am very confused, but figure they will get through these people before getting back to the trial. Sit on the defendant side, just in case.

9am: judge blagojovich hair arrives in court. Hurrah! Am so happy to see him.

905am: happiness is short lived, as I am thrown out of court with a quickness when the officers discover I do not have a subpoena.

910am: other interns have arrived waiting for the trial. There is talk about a clamping down of the "no cell phones in the courtroom" rule which has basically been ignored up til now. Oh jesus.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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