Thursday, August 06, 2009

Back in court

Judge blagojovich-hair continues to go through his docket. As I sat down, they called for a defendant named William Wallace. I laughed out loud, only to find that mr Wallace was sitting next to me. Fail.

Judge blagojovich-hair has a real way with inmates. As one was talking, I swear he was rolling his eyes.

They just brought in this inmate from some place called richwood correctional facility. From the looks of this guy, I would guess he is in some prison for the mentally ill...but can someone verify? He was giving me crazy eyez as he walked in...but, let's be honest...he must have noticed my streaky skin.

There is the DA who just crawled out of the sandbox he is so young. Whenever the judge asks him a question he can't answer, he does the old law school diversionary tactic of flipping through papers for an uncomfortable length of time. He also looks around into the audience when he doesn't know. This isn't the "price is right," one in the audience is going to signal the defendant's prior criminal record to you.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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