Wednesday, August 05, 2009

2nd witness

The 2nd witness, who was an officer working a detail outside the club where the shooting occurred just admitted that he wasn't at the club during the time of the shooting because he had been getting chicken and biscuits from popeyes. Only in new Orleans.

C murder has been stoic this entire time. No talking, no writing notes, no facial expressions.

The judge, on the other hand, has been very animated...eating and drinking nonstop. I swear he just swigged from a half gallon bottle of milk. He was eating either popcorn, or m&m's while the da was going through photos of the infamous "platinum club " like he was at the movies.

The jurors look bored to tears.

Ps- Jefferson parish is really high tech. They have all these TVs, and the witness can mark up exhibits electronically- just like they do on espn.

Judge balgojovich-hair appears to be on his laptop now. What do you suppose he is looking at? Do judges go on facebook? Maybe his honor is a fan of lil layne.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who would have thought that the law could be so interesting?! Now I know after reading Lil' Layne's blog. Someone nominate this blog!!