Thursday, August 06, 2009

Cross examination

So...I was going to give mr magoo props for impeaching the officers credibility...but then he opened the door for the officer to bring up all of cmurder's witness threatening. Apparently cmurder may, or may not have threatened a couple of witnesses. Mr magoo then ended the questioning by asking the officer If his testimony was just a string of cheap shots, and threw his yellow pad down on his desk and said, "I'm done with this guy."

Mr Magoo desperately needs a paralegal. So far, cmurder has been doing his best filling the void by moving boxes, and handing him files...but homefry needs someone who has used a xerox copier before. I almost want to offer to work for him, but I will obviously require overtime, a car home, and free dinner.

Unrelated: I am almost positive there is something romantic going on with the judge's clerk (let's call him Irish spring...because of his red hair, and the arrogant way he walks about the courthouse) and this 20 year old who reads the oath who looks 15 because she still wears braces. Irish spring offered her some gum, winked at her, and she giggled. Meanwhile, this isn't a 7th grade is, after all, a murder trial.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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