Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Douglas Schantz: Body has been found

This morning, the body of Douglas Schantz was found underneath the dock near the steamboat Natchez.

The timing seems very weird to me because they said the found the body at around 10am, but there was no mention of the dead body on the 12pm news. The body was identified around 1:40pm.

What was going on in this man's head? He had to JUMP OVER A FENCE to get to the dock! Sequent Energy is publicly traded - I might take a peek at their SEC filings. Of course, I know so little about this thing that I don't know if I could tell if anything was off in the business. But maybe someone who knows more about company filings might take a look?

Also - WHOSE BODY DID THEY FIND IN GENTILLY? Still radio silence on that issue.

1 comment:

Lenore said...

Here are all the SEC filings on Sequent's parent company: http://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?company=agl+resources&match=&CIK=&filenum=&State=&Country=&SIC=&owner=exclude&Find=Find+Companies&action=getcompany

But if his company was tanking why would he donate a boatload of money to Tulane? His daughter was already in? So bizarro.