Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Doctors v. Lawyers

These doctors are very tame in comparison to what I imagine a lawyer's convention of this size might be like.

I mean, I'm not going to lie -- my only frame of reference for how doctors behave is based on a study of "Grey's Anatomy" - so it might be somewhat skewed. But it is 4pm on a Wednesday of a week long convention. If these were lawyers, they would be drunk already. They would maybe even be carrying beers around them from lecture to lecture. But everyone here is very serious, and discussing "rate of infection" and comparing suture types. BORING.

Also - these doctors are too healthy. They are all eating salads. THIS IS NEW ORLEANS. As a tourist, if each meal doesn't contain something fried, you have already failed to experience the city to the best of your ability. Lawyers like to chow down. I've seen it time and time again -- given the choice between a free chik fil-et lunch, or a free "rolly polly" lunch, the law students are going to pick fried chicken.

I am tempted to yell out, "Where the after party at?!?!" in this crowded 'cafe'. Are these doctors even partying at night? Or do they go home and eat salads and watch tv programs about sutures? What about the doctors rocking jeans and leather jackets - they HAVE to be party animals, right?

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