Sunday, December 30, 2012

...And then I went out with a Cajun.

As 2012 winds to a close, I find it only fitting to end the year with my favorite date of all time.  We'll call this, "the time I went out with a cajun."
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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Holiday Cards

Well, tis the season....of Holiday Cards.  Somehow, Holiday Cards have become either a professional thing, or a couple thing, or a married people with kids/a dog thing.  I guess we can now add Holiday Cards to the list of "Things Only Coupleds" can send out, along with "Save the Dates" and "Baby Announcements." But, never one to let society dictate what I can and cannot do, I've made several cards myself, to celebrate all the important people in my life this year. Also, one of my male friends told me I didn't have enough pictures on my blog to attract a male audience, so I decided to test out his hypothesis.

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

...And then my Dad set me up on a date.

So, on my own version of, "the 12 days of Christmas," I have been counting down all the very best dates I've ever been on. In tonight's edition, I will recount the time that my dad set me up.  

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Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Single Girl Habits

So, when you're single and you live's safe to say that you engage in certain habits you might not engage in if you lived with someone.  When single men do weird things in their apartment, we call it, "being a bachelor" or "being a ladies man" or "such a frat boy." But when women engage in these habits, we say, "that is sad" or (as my mother said one mardi gras), "don't do that because nobody likes a drunk girl." THIS IS BLASPHEMOUS AND SEXIST. No more will I lie about what I do at night.  No more will I cower and hide about my habits at home.  Time to take a stand. 
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Sunday, November 25, 2012

....And then I went out with a cop.

In order to discuss the date I once went on with a police officer, I need to tell you how we met.

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

...And then I went on a date.

Well, 2 readers of my blog.  I am ashamed to say that it is 10:30pm, on a Wednesday night and I have been stood up.  Allegedly because  a business dinner is running long. I was going to feel bad about myself, but then I looked back on my sordid dating history, and I realized that I should *probably* feel good that at least I had set up a date with someone involved in a business such that they could make up a lie about a business dinner running long.  That has not always been the case with me.
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Tuesday, October 09, 2012

...And then I went to a tailor.

For the 2 people who follow this blog, you know that I have problems buying clothing, groceries, and frozen yogurt.  Well, let's go ahead and add "tailors" to the list of people with which I cannot have a conflict free interaction.  

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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Two Polyamorous Recovering Alcoholics Go on a Date.

In a development that will surely please my mother: I've decided to get serious about finding Mr. Husband. Because ladies? After age 40, the pickings are s l i m out there, as evidenced by the date that JUST transpired behind me at CCs coffee shop. 
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Monday, July 16, 2012

Frozen yogurt isn't supposed to be stressful.

You can't pay for good service these days.
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Sunday, May 06, 2012

Television Advertising

Have we all seen these Zooey Deschanel IPhone/Siri advertisements?
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