Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Corry Rush Wants Nothing To Do With Me.

So I guess the NFL doesn't mind being called sexist? We are now 1 day away from the official start to the NFL Combine, and I've gotten nothing but radio silence from the Corry Rush et. al. Typical.

Well...unless I receive a hail mary pass from some news agency dying for me to cover the Combine for them (anyone? Gambit? Times Pic? WWL Radio? Bobby Hebert? that spanish radio station? TMZ? The OchoCinco News Network?), it looks like my weekend is suddenly free for other blogging endeavors! One idea I am thinking about covering is this:

The First Annual Winter Beer Carnival. I'm not entirely sure what this event will entail, but anything that combines all you can drink beer and "carnival activities" is likely to result in some unintentional hilarity.

Any other suggestions? Send them in!

PS - Corry Rush? It's not over between you and I. Not by a long shot.

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