Friday, April 09, 2010

Well, it happened again.

My hard-drive crashed. It happened last semester a week before Thanksgiving, and now it's happened again -- 2 weeks before my first final. My reaction?

I cried in public at the Apple store. And we're not talking the lone-tear-streaming-down-your-cheek, presidential-funeral, dignified crying. No. We're talking uncontrollably, face-getting read, people-slowly-backing-away-from-you type crying. I felt bad for Colin, my Apple Store Genius who was brought out specifically to deal with me. I think he was probably their pinch hitter, tasked to deal with only the most serious cases, sort of like Detectives Benson and Stabler on Law and Order: SVU.

But this brings me to my main point: I would like a new laptop. Not only is my laptop essentially important...but I am starting a novel this summer! How can I be expected to write if I am constantly in fear that my POS computer is going to break down again? But I can't afford a new laptop. I can't even afford imported beer. So I would like Steve Jobs to send me one for free.

How should I go about achieving this goal? Should I start open letter campaigns, or should I make youtube videos? Maybe I should tell apple that I am filming a movie, and that if they send me a free laptop, I will give them unlimited product placement. Has anyone gamed the system and gotten a brand new replacement mac because their other mac (which is still under applecare) keeps breaking down? I am open to suggestions.

1 comment:

Faith said... is your friend. Look up "executive email carpet bomb."