Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A note about proof-reading

Every time I write a post, my mother (one of my 3 readers) sends me a scathing email the next morning lambasting me about my grammar/spelling. So, I offer this as an explanation.

When I finally have time to post things, it is usually very late at night. This means my brain is not functioning as well as it might be at...say...4pm. So I will make a lot of mistakes - especially with homophones. You know, like peace/piece, principle/principal, their/there. It doesn't mean I don't get the difference. I know I have misplaced commas EVERYWHERE. I usually try to go back and fix things..it just doesn't happen at the moment of publication. I could probably use a copy-editor so we'll add that to the list of things I need in my life (intern, housekeeper, chef, driver, mechanic, laundress, personal shopper, $100million dollars). But for right now, I guess you'll have to deal with me. Just think of my unproof-read writing style as Jack Kerouac-ian, yes?


Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me.

Big Momma J

RJ said...

at least you wrote "homophones" and not "homophobes"...