Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The NFL doesn't think I am "legitimate"

In a few weeks, the NFL will host their "Combine" for scouts, head coaches, and general managers to interview (and watch) prospective rookies headed into the draft this year. Sort of like OCI for football players. Obviously, I want to go. But it seems like the NFL has other ideas in store.

I went to the NFL Combine website, and filled out all the requesite forms for press. Lil Layne is a blog people read, so therefore, I am press. Right?

WRONG. The next day I receive the following email:
We have received your request for media credentials to the 2010 NFL Combine. Unfortunately, due to tremendous demand, we are unable to accommodate your request.

Thank you for your interest in the NFL.

Corry Rush

EXCUSE ME? ARE THEY SERIOUSLY REJECTING ME? How is anyone expected to catch a break in this business? I, being a law student, decided to appeal this decision.
Dear Mr. Rush,

I was very disheartened to see your response to my application, and I implore you to reconsider. I understand that my blog might not be viewed by the NFL as a "mainstream media outlet" in the mold of a NYT or Sports Illustrated, but I assure you that I would be just as enthusiastic, if not MORE enthusiastic, as those other publications to have the opportunity to cover the 2010 Combine. As a demonstration of my enthusiasm, if given press credentials, I would be paying my own way to Indianapolis. Would anyone from Sports Illustrated go if they had to pay their own way?

I have experience covering events...from murder trials of famous rappers, to science fiction conventions, to concerts. This will not be my time operating in large event of this nature.

My blog has a vast and diverse readership. Right now, only a small percentage of the population has even HEARD of the "NFL Combine." In the day of the almighty dollar, wouldn't the NFL want new sports enthusiasts learning about all of their off-season programming?

I thank you for taking the time to read my email, and I hope you will reconsider. All I ask for is just a chance.

Lil Layne

Compelling stuff, no? Apparently NOT COMPELLING ENOUGH. This appeal was dismissed with even less fanfare than the original rejection.

Unfortunately, we’re unable to accommodate your request.


So there you go. NFL ruins the day YET AGAIN. First you try to take away Who Dat, and now you try to KILL MY DREAMS. Thanks for nothing.


Lenore said...

If Lil Layne is not a legitimate news organization then neither is The New York Times.

Anonymous said...

I concur.