Friday, January 22, 2010

An Open Letter to Lil Wayne

Dear Lil Wayne,

Hi. I don't know if you know me...but I use your name and likeness for my blog. Lil Wayne, Lil rhymes...get it? Like you, I am from New Orleans - born and raised. But unlike you, I AM NOT A TRAITOR.

What EXACTLY is your problem?? You apparently told MTV you a) thought the Vikings would win the NFC Championship Game and b) WERE ROOTING FOR THE VIKINGS TO WIN. In case you've forgotten -- here is your analysis of the game:

"I believe the Vikings will win because of the running attack. The Saints give up about 150 rushing yards a game, and the Vikings have arguably the best running back in the game (Adrian Peterson)... I believe the Vikings defense will frustrate Drew Brees."

Who do you think you are??? John Madden?? As far as I can tell..other than rapping, you are good at 2 things: getting caught with pot, and having illegitimate babies.

Let me tell you have riled up the populace of New Orleans, my friend. That city is like a a giant pile of newspapers covered in lighter fluid...and you just lit a match. I will show you my favorite comments on from the article about your betrayal:
I love Weezie's music, and I already knew he was a Favre fan from his ESPN blogs, but man...this is your hometown team. You claim to be "so so New Orleans, like 1825 Tulane" but you're not rooting for the Saints with your "Black and Gold soul and a fresh New Orleans fitted." Have fun in jail two days after we win SB44. Geaux Saints!

LW is a turd. He better hope he never has to go to trial in New Orleans. He will be convicted.

Lil Weezie,
I defended you against haters in these very forums and this is what you do to me? You just lost your New Orleans hometown cred, brutha. We're done.


So, Benedict Weezy...there you have it. New Orleans hates you now. I hope you're happy. PS - you were the weakest member of the Cash Money Millionaires. P.P.S - have fun in prison.

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