Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Jurors would be unable to hack it as paralegals.

Well, tonight the Jury decided they didn't want to work no mo'.
At approx 8:30pm, Judge Blagojovich-hair told the jury that they either had to keep working to come to a decision, or they were going to be sequestered in a hotel for the night. Apparently working past 8:30pm seemed unconscionable to the jurors, and they all yelled "Shut it down" in unison. That is actually not a joke. They *actually* all said "shut it down" together.

So....8:30pm is a breaking point? Shut it down? I guess this jury is unaccustomed to working the hours typically associated with an entry level job in New York. Because let me tell you -- 8:30 is not a "shut it down" time. 8:30pm is a "have a dinner break, scan facebook on the computer to see what happier people who work fewer hours are saying, sending gchat messages while you eat at your desk" time. These jurors didn't even start working til 10am. I mean R E A L L Y (emphasis added).

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