Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Can we just speak frankly for a minute here?

WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE JURORS? They have only been in the deliberation process since yesterday, at 1pm. And they stopped at 8:30pm by screaming, "SHUT IT DOWN." Now they're crying in the courtroom in front of everyone, doing things to get themselves thrown off, etc? When they were voir-dired for this thing, they knew this trial might run for at least 2 weeks. So far they've been seated approx 4 days. AND they had the weekend off. Why are they acting like passengers who have been left on a plane on the tarmac for 203 hrs? As far as I know, they're getting all their meals paid for, they are allowed to take smoke breaks and restroom breaks, were given a bed to sleep in...where's the fire here? One time I was at work for 34hrs straight. Truth. And I am of weak constitution. If these jurors can't work for 8 hours straight...well, I'm just not sure what to say.

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