Monday, March 30, 2009

Like a Phoenix from the ashes...

I have decided to reincarnate my blog. Now, as my dedicated 3 readers from my illustrious 3+ years of blogging know...I tend to be somewhat lackadaisical about the whole enterprise. Then something very profound happened....I read an entry about Perez Hilton's birthday party. To be sure...the list of "celebrities" that attended his party were MOSTLY C-/D+ list in nature...but Salman Rushdie?? Seriously?? I bet you Perez hasn't even read the Satanic Verses. So, i've decided to take this more the hopes of attracting Salman Rushdie to attend my 26th birthday party. Obviously Perez and I have a *slightly* different reader base, but I believe that you, my 3 readers, can make this dream happen. Let's work on it.

Lil Layne

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