Sunday, November 02, 2008


After Halloween, I am extremely hungover, and can only manage to make it to the couch in the den to lie there and watch a West Wing marathon. Roommate has been gone all day, started at 9am (when she was puttering around clanging pots and pans and agitating me in my extremely hungover/still drunk state). All of the sudden the door opens....

Roommate: (walks in and looks at me in fetal position on couch with remainders of chinese take out surrounding me while I am watching TV) Have you been here, all day?
Layne: (actually wants to vomit on her face to teach her a lesson about how to word questions in a non-judgmental manner) Yeah, I was out til 3am (and thinks to herself "as was the rest of the law school, except for, apparently, you)
R: I just came back from a pig roast. It was so interesting.
L: (Although the phrase "pig roast" does pique her interest, it is just too much energy, and she just continues to lie there)
R: There were many mormons there. It was a mormon pig roast.
L: (is broken out of her comatose with the revelation that she was no only eating pig from a stick today, she was with mormons too) HOW THE F*CK DO YOU FIND THESE EVENTS?
R: (Is shocked by L's sudden use of profanity) I was invited.
L: Did he have multiple wives? Did he want you to be his fifth wife? (L, laughing at her own culturally insensitive joke)
R: I do not understand
L: Some mormons are polygamists, how do you not know this? It's a very touchy subject.
R: Oh, i did not know about this. I will ask my friend about his views on polygamy.
L: That is not appropriate whatsoever. Like totally not appropriate. Do not say that, you will just embarrass yourself and make him feel uncomfortable.
R: (Is indignant) I do not think that is true at all. I will ask him next time I see him.
::::L decides she is a lost cause, and maybe she could watch her ask the mormon about his thoughts on polygamy, for the humor in it::::

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