Sunday, November 02, 2008

Resuming the Blog

Dear All,

I have decided to resume blogging, for one specific purpose: to blog about my current living situation.

Lil Layne has a new roommate. She is 20, 6'1, does not own a hair dryer or brush, is from Germany, is an only child, has never lived away from home until now, and sharing a small space with me.

Her hobbies include: talking on skype with her parents ("Hallo Mama!"), playing acoustic guitar at objectionable times of the night (who doesn't love the catchy tune "greensleaves" , walking in the woods and playing guitar, whistling, cooking (her favorite meal is peas, with canned tuna and feta, with a side of oatmeal, and some sour cream to eat with a spoon - yummy!)

She has a boyfriend who stayed with us for 3 weeks. She also had a friend who stayed with us for another 3 weeks the day after the boyfriend left. After these visitors have left, she has no one, except for me.

That should appropriately set the scene.

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