Thursday, March 31, 2005


Hello faithful readers, all 4 of you. I'm reporting from Prague--I can't give as good an update as I would like--but rest assured over the past days I have met: The entire NFL Berlin Thunder Team, John McCain, Frans Dietrach, Juan Pedro, Lestate, Buffallo Bill, the entire School of Brewery of Edinburgh (??yes, only in praha), a drunk englishman who climbed in my bed, and various and sundry other randaminos of my acquaitence.

Some Quotes from Last Night sketchiness like you wouldnt believe, praha style:
"Would you rather do Tom Cruise, or give Donald Sutherland head?"
"Layne, you do realize that you just bought his entire meal and drink with my money don't you?"
"The strip clubs are no good--go to the discoteca with me and party all night lonnnnggg "-John McCain circa 70 years of age
"What are you doing?", "Don't worry, i'm just putting your full name into my palm pilot"
"The strip clubs here are class acts. Not like in the states where they don't show you anything."

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