Thursday, March 25, 2010

5 Year Anniversary!

It is my 5 year anniversary! With my boyfriend/fiance, you ask? No. Today marks the 5th year of Lil Layne.

Five years ago today, I created Lil Layne...although back then, it was known as "Spring Travels." It started off as a way to document a 3 week backpacking trip around Europe. Remember that, Amy? The early posts were extremely rough and unedited. It also took me an embarrassing amount of time to learn that you are meant to put punctuation marks inside the quotation marks like "this!" instead of "this"!. At one point I set out to go back and correct all the old posts, but I have since decided to just let people think I was drunk the entire time I was writing (which was probably true 90% of the time).

I remember writing my first post ever. I honestly thought I wouldn't write a second post because I didn't want to be lumped in the same category as people who used Livejournal. (ASIDE: do people still even USE livejournal? Remember Friendster? Wow. Blast from the past.) In any event...I thought blogs were weird. But then I met someone who was normal who had a blog (I think it may have been Brian Wagner, who I highly doubt even reads this blog, but maybe I will send him a well-timed facebook message), and I decided that maybe I could write one too.

So much has happened in the 5 years since I started Lil Layne: I graduated from college, got my first job, had my first female stalker, traveled to the Dominican Republic and began hating Canadians, got into law school, met C-Murder, decided I hated the law, and planned my wedding. OH! And how is this for an epic milestone: in the 5 years since I started blogging, THE NEW ORLEANS SAINTS WON THE SUPERBOWL.

But, really, I wanted to write this post to thank the people who keep reading, who comment, who give me ideas and who are so supportive of my little fledgling operation. I don't want to embarrass anyone by calling them out specifically...but I don't know what I'd do without my readers in New York, Astoria, France, DC, London, Philly, Atlanta, Cameroon, Edinburgh, Buffalo, Los Angeles, Boston, New Orleans, North Carolina and Houston. (It may look like a lot of places, but really it only amounts to like...5 or 6 people. But I heart each and every one of you). To my mom, who only yells at me when I curse in my posts, and to my dad, who has (thankfully) kept his comments-written-in-the-form-of-rap-lyrics to a minimum. To Lee2 who keeps me updated on what's cool (vampires) and what's not (the television program "In Plain Sight.") To my cousins (all 201934 of you) who do not hold my "Bratty/Snobby/Terrible" phase against me. I know I am probably forgetting so many people, but that doesn't mean I love you/appreciate your readership any less.

Before I get all sappy, I would like to take this momentous occasion to address a couple of people.
To Corry Rush: You are still the Spawn of Satan. I will never forget how quickly you dismissed me. Having said that: all will be forgiven if you give me tickets to the Saints season opener. I would like to sit right behind the bench on the 50 yard line. You have my email.
ToLil Wayne: I still sort of hate you for picking the Vikings in the NFC Championship Game...but now that we won the Superbowl, I think maybe I can ease up on my hatred rhetoric. Thank you for letting me use your name and likeness for my website. Can you make me a promise though? While you're in prison, can you use this time to come out with some GOOD rap (like from "Tha Carter") and not this "Bed Rock" swill you are feeding us?
To the individual who keeps rejecting my facebook friend request: I got your number, sister. And if you think my friend requests are going to stop, you've got another thing coming. Every time you reject me, I just am more determined to keep requesting you. By the by, in my book, people who unfriend people on facebook are degenerates. So...good luck in life.
To Justin Bieber: It's really cool to hate on you right now, so I'm going to jump on the bandwagon. Your hair bothers me. And I hate how much money you have. And I think I may have drunkenly signed up to be on your email distribution list, and now you won't stop spamming me with email. Are you even old enough to operate a computer? is late, and I must go to sleep now, but I love you all, and thank you so much for reading!


Amy Cavanaugh said...

Happy Anniversary! When I first saw this post title, I thought NO WAY is this blog 5 years old. And then I remembered Spring Travels, which I remember updating from various foreign countries while operating on five minutes of sleep and beer.

May there be five more blogging years filled with foreign travels, lost shoes, and hanging out with Scottish drug dealers.

metrygurl said...

Happy Anniversary Layne!!
Looking forward to many more years of your blog.
Love, from one of your 201934 cousins who doesn't hold your bratty/snobby/terrible phase against you (because we all had one).

Lee2 said...

Dude believe it or not Justin Bieber is 16.