Sunday, November 04, 2007

My Perez Hilton Day is coming to an end

As I write to you from this here SBux, the hipster men in berets and the happy couples holding hands are descending upon the meatpacking district, so it means that it is time for me to return to SpaHa, where I call my home. It has been fun reporting to you from the front lines, but now I suppose I must return to updating you, my dedicated 2 readers, once a week.

In other news, there is this girl in the sbux who reminds me of myself in a very bad, unflattering way. She is overly expressive with her face, her hair is in some sort of whack side ponytail, she talks way too loudly, and she is, obviously, eating a pastry. I've been staring at her for like the last 3 hours, because i am obviously so morbidly fascinated by her, and i can't help but wonder if her life is about as awesome as mine is. I any event, I freaked her out, and she has now moved so she is no longer facing me.

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