Saturday, December 29, 2007

Non Sequiturs from New Orleans

-There was a new "To Catch a Predator" on TV last night. The sting was set up in Kentucky. It seemed as though these predators were really interested in marrying the 13 yr old girl -- I'm not sure if this was a product of being in Kentucky or not. Also, a guy rolled up in his mother's PT Cruiser who had Cerebral Palsy. Before you feel sorry for him, please note that he brought an electric razor because he thought he could, "shave her down there".
-You seriously can't go ANYWHERE in New Orleans without running into someone you know. But here is the basic problem: I see someone I went to high school with, who was a year or 2 older than me, and I not only know his first AND last name, but I know what classes we took together, and where his seat was in relation to mine. They, in turn, know me as "Hey Girl", and ask me where I went to college.
- I'm pretty ready to go back to NYC -- while I absolutely love love love New Orleans, I am getting extremely claustrophobic in my parents' house. They are constantly up in my grill ALL THE TIME, asking where i'm going, what i've done, who i'm talking to, what i'm doing on the porch with my laptop.

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