Thursday, November 15, 2007

At Least it's almost the weekend....sort of...

Well...another night out. Just got home. I have recently discovered that I have a real problem transitioning from dinner to going out mode. I basically can't do it. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to do it? Right now, I could have been at Tenjune -- but what am I doing? Lying in bed watching Project Runway on DVR. I really am Living the Dream.


Amy Cavanaugh said...

um, you posted after 1 a.m. I call that a successful weeknight night out, seeing as I was in bed by then.

And I just cannot get into Project Runway. It's so inferior to Top Chef — no Padma, no very tall chefs to crush on, and no bitchy women from Food and Wine magazine whose job I covet.

Anonymous said...

Layne, you live in a crazy wonderful city with a myriad of potential going out locations...but staying in for Project Runway is understandable...I did it, too.

And although there is no Padma, I get more satisfaction from PR because the creativity involved is more accessible to the viewer. I can't taste the food on Top Chef; therefore, it leaves some bitter resentment towards Bravo. But, I have to admit, this year's PR cast seems more like fashionista caricatures...maybe I haven't let go of last season's contestants.

Lil Layne said...

Here's my question -- is Christian the new Santino?