Thursday, September 13, 2007

Just another day at the ol' office

*Names have been changed to protect the identity of catgirl*
Cat Girl: what is the perfume that you're wearing
Cat Girl: what, I can't ask
Lil Layne: its from the 99 cent rack at duane reade
Cat Girl: really
Cat Girl: do u need help with anything
Cat Girl: hello layne
Cat Girl: what are u working on
Cat Girl: hey do u need help]
Cat Girl: meow
Cat Girl: frisky
Cat Girl: meoooooooooow

1 comment:

Amy Cavanaugh said...

It's time to rename your blog. I don't think Spring Travels quite fits anymore.

Because if it were really about spring travels, you would have written about the time we dominated at the Cheers Bar, London outpost.