Friday, July 22, 2011

You know you're studying for the bar when...

So it seems like everyone has been promulgating these, “You know you’re taking the bar when….” lists. I’m going to be honest with you - I'm kind of lukewarm on them, really.  I’m not really someone to make jokes about the law.  Whenever everyone is cackling over the punch-line of some intestate succession joke, I might be outwardly laughing, but inwardly I am thinking, “WTF I DON’T KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS WTF WHY IS EVERYONE LAUGHING DOES EVERYONE KNOW ABOUT THIS AND NOT ME?” Also, I have too many personality “quirks” that turn people off - I definitely do not need to add, “makes jokes about the law” to the ever growing list of my weirdness.  BUT..having said all of this, I aspire to go viral just like all of these other bloggers do, so I thought I might make my own list.  Without further adieu…

You hear an urban legend story about some friend of a friend (usually a female) who (ENTER SOMETHING HERE RELATING TO MEN)….and then failed the bar.  
I first heard this legend when a friend told me, “You know, I have a friend, who has a friend who started liking some guy from her barbri class, and then he messed with her head, and then she failed the bar.”  Others might have heard the legend go something like, “I have a friend who has a friend who started dating a new guy during barbri…and then she failed the bar.”  First of all: why are all of these hypothetical people failing the bar WOMEN? And second: why, in all of these legends, are all of the women portrayed as totally helpless schoolgirls? PEOPLEThis is not a quiz in Ms. McLesky’s History class.  THIS IS THE BAR EXAMINATION.  If someone doesn’t pass, it is not because they were too busy playing MASH or writing a guy’s name in hearts…it is because the bar is hard as sh*t.  Which is a good segue to the next item on the list…

You and your friends start passively aggressively competing over who has the hardest bar. 
I have heard it all. 

“The thing that is SO hard about New York is that you have to learn two different standards of law!! It’s just so hard! I mean, at least you only have one law to learn…”

“No, but with California, the evidence codes are just SO different, so it’s really bad, and so hard..” 

“I mean, Virginia has the lowest passage rate of any state…but like…I mean, whatever they are all hard, I guess, but like, the lowest is VA..I mean, whatever.” 
I am going go on record right now and say the following: when you have to learn FRENCH for your bar exam, you give me a call.  MOVING ON.  

You find yourself talking about people who haven’t studied that much with glee in your voice.
I can’t tell you how many times I have overheard people talking about others who haven’t studied very much, and they sound really excited about it.  It usually goes something like this, “I’m really getting worried about Jim Bob.  He didn’t even know what a forced heir was!! I am just very, very, nervous for him.”  Okay, if you are truly worried and nervous about Jim Bob, then why do you sound positively GLOWING.  Literally, I never hear a bar-studier sound happier and more content than they do when they are talking about how they are allegedly “nervous” for a “friend” who seems to be less prepared than they are.  I even found myself asking strangers (in a rushed and excited voice), “tell me about the people you know who haven’t studied at all…” 

You’ve heard the phrase, ‘You’re smart, you’re going to pass the bar…’ and wanted to claw out the eyes of the person saying it. 
There is nothing more frustrating than hearing that.  Now sure, I am really glad that someone thinks I am smart.  But, what happens if I…don’t pass? Am I suddenly not smart anymore? And do people not realize the considerable amount of pressure that it puts on a person? I honestly would rather people tell me, “don’t worry about it – you’ve already exceeded everyone’s expectations when you graduated from high school, if I'm being frank.”


JDF said...

Love this.

Anonymous said...

It's not all men. I heard a story about a MALE who refused to write about gay marriage (guess he was homophobic) and failed the bar. Guess the dude ended up getting fucked in the ass anyway.

Grace said...

there are only 6 jursidictions in which same-sex marriage is legal. don't ask me why I remember this when I can't remember anything else and I'm not in one of those 6 jurisdictions.

BUT, Layne, I am def. not studying for the hardest bar but this is damn hard for me. Call me stupid, tell me I've reached the extent of my potential. You can stop telling me that I'm "smart" b/c a "smart" person wouldn't be a f'ed as I am, or have made the choices I have.
And news flash ppl, I didn't go to law school to prove to the world that I'm "smart." I already know that I'm not the world's dumbest person but I'm fully aware of how I'm also not in the tippy-top smart categories. I know plenty of ppl are there and let me tell you, I know I'm not one of them and I'm dealing with it. You don't have to pretend to pump my ego about it. It's patronizing, stop it. Law school or passing the bar isn't a qualification for "smart" b/c plenty of ppl are smart w/out it.
If i pass, it'll be a miracle and at this point, I just really, really don't want to retake the MBE (more like study for it) ever again, so if I fail the rest of the bar but get an MBE score that I can transfer/use again, I'd call it a miracle.
I knew some French growing up. I'm going to take the LA bar next! (well, after the GA bar)

Anonymous said...

On 10 minute bar-studying break!! I needed a laugh, and you're blog always helps. Unfortunately my commitment to studying has only really kicked in these last two weeks. The rest of the past six weeks, I just mindlessly took and organized Barbri lecture notes... Trying to have positive outlook though. Really wish TX (all states?) results weren't posted as a list of who passed for the world to see. Ugh.
Anyway, good luck this week!!

(the random Saints fan from TX that follows your blog :-) )

Sarah Gruber said...

Why didn't you just asked me (or Shane) for help with your French? I did in fact use French daily for over 3 years.

Also even if you don't pass you have a second chance. Almost done at least! Then I'll be left to see you enjoying yourself while I frantically study my last few weeks with no moral support from another test taker.

Cindi Mistrot said...

Didn't John John Kennedy have to take the New York bar 3 times?