Saturday, April 02, 2005

Neonazis, Punks and WASPs, oh my.

So I'm updating, YET AGAIN my friends, from Munich. Let me tell you what is fun: getting caught in a neonazi rally in a country where you don't speak the language. Good thing I decided to go full on aryan today with my Polo and Pearls, so fear not---all is safe here in Munchen.

Okay new topic of discussion: Let's talk about 35+ year old men and their new found obsession with me. First we have El Greco, Spyronwhateverthefuck, who spoke to me for MAYBE 1 minute, probably less--and in an attempt to get him to leave me alone, i gave him my number and ran away. 3 text messages, 2 phone messages and 1483 missed calls later, I'm realizing that may not have been the best idea. A) He doesn't know my name, instead only referring to me as Sweety in the various and sundry messages I have recieved (keep in mind, all went unreciprocated) B) his business card says "General Consultant" and "Location: Greece". C) He wanted me to meet him in Krakow, EVEN THOUGH HE DOESNT KNOW MY NAME AND I HAVE NEVER RETURNED A SINGLE CALL OR TEXT MESSAGE. So, Spyrifuckwit, if you googled "sweety" and SOMEHOW got this here blog, I have a message for you: LEAVE ME ALONE. Okay Secondly, we have man from bar last night. Spots me, starts speaking frantic german (oh, need i say age is circa 37). I give the ubiquitous "Oh i dont speaka your language" and try to run away...only to be physically pulled towards mid-life crisis when he asks me, in english if i want to see the other side of munich. Dont ask me what that means. Fellas, take the hint...WE DONT LIKE THEM OLD. Well at least, normal girls who don't wear capes aren't interested.

Okay, here's hoping the riot police who are hotter than colin farrel circa SWAT are still out and prowling the street. Even if I was yelled at for trying to take a picture of them. Comment Away. Read more

Friday, April 01, 2005

More Comprehensive Update

Héll0 ---or as our new sketchtastic german/czech/danish hostel friends say,"You Need to go drinking tonight because you are going to die tomorrow."

It is almost impossible to update city by city my observations, but since all 4 of you rely on my blog entries to go about your day--I feel I must at least try.

I think we should have realized the trip was doomed from the beginning. So we´re walking into Glasgow Prestwick ánd I see what can best be described as 700-1000 cheerleaders/girlscouts wearing hats with overssized cartoon characters all over them, singing songs and cheering. I am completely thrown off. Ever since I wasn't cool enough to join the girl scouts as a young girl (apparently constant crying and homesickness arent values they look for in a girl scout), i have been a little wary of the entire organization. So of course im pissed to potentially be stuck on a plane with this crew. Well, I believe the phrases, "There is NO way I am getting on that plane if they are on it.." and "WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE" were uttered at pretty loud volumes. At this point, this man, with about 53 small little boys circa 5 yrs of age turns around and informs me that, no, they are not cheerleaders, they are actually all mentally handicapped going on a special weekend that most have been waiting their entire lives for. Adding insult to injury, he tells me its okay I didnt know about it, he had to warn his sons too not to say things like I said. Keep in mind his sons are eating Gerbers.

Do not go here. Do not think it is a good idea to go here because they make it look nice on brochures. It is actually a shithole, and I think i saw human body parts in the Thai Prison-esq bathroom we were charged 1euro to use. Here is a basic rule, you shouldnt be charging money for a bathroom when there is no divider between the womens and mens because a giant hole has been blown through. Also, lets talk about bringing dogs onto a train. Dont do it--because chances are, if you are bringing your rotweiller aboard, you arent smelling too good to begin with.

We arrived into the East Berlin Train station--and, not to be totally and completely politically incorrect here--it reeked of communism. And while there was a Mickey D's there-- I couldn't help but think they were portioning and rationing French fries in the back We arrive to our humble abode for the evening--a little place called the "Mittes"--or as I like to call it, "shits". Why you ask? Oh..maybe because when I went to my bed a bat fetus of a woman was wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in the ubiquitous fetal sucking thumb no doubt--all the while, ON MY BED. So I go downstairs to the really competent chap working front desk, he was probably on blunt number 3 I would say. I inform him of my problem, which he decides to fix by taking another guests shit off of their bed and telling me its mine. Fine--if the man in charge downstairs says to do it, it will work, and as it is 2am, im sure no one is coming for that bed anyways. W R O N G. Fast forward to 6am when a drunk british man starts full body pushing me and yelling for me to get out of his bed. I wake up, look around, notice no one is going to help in, what is eventually going to deteriorate into drunken cage style street fight in the bottom bunk of this bed, and decide I would rather spoon with my new friend Juan Pablo instead of fight bad-teeth. Luckily another bed was open, and I didnt have to go south of the border with my new friend, but needless to say, it didnt really endear me to the place.

Well, I feel like i've left you with enough salacious details to keep you reading--so I must go. Hope all is well, and be sure to leave comments so I know someone actually reads this. Cheers! Read more

Thursday, March 31, 2005


Hello faithful readers, all 4 of you. I'm reporting from Prague--I can't give as good an update as I would like--but rest assured over the past days I have met: The entire NFL Berlin Thunder Team, John McCain, Frans Dietrach, Juan Pedro, Lestate, Buffallo Bill, the entire School of Brewery of Edinburgh (??yes, only in praha), a drunk englishman who climbed in my bed, and various and sundry other randaminos of my acquaitence.

Some Quotes from Last Night sketchiness like you wouldnt believe, praha style:
"Would you rather do Tom Cruise, or give Donald Sutherland head?"
"Layne, you do realize that you just bought his entire meal and drink with my money don't you?"
"The strip clubs are no good--go to the discoteca with me and party all night lonnnnggg "-John McCain circa 70 years of age
"What are you doing?", "Don't worry, i'm just putting your full name into my palm pilot"
"The strip clubs here are class acts. Not like in the states where they don't show you anything." Read more

Sunday, March 27, 2005

I feel lame giving this a title

Let's talk about the weather in Berlin: Rainy and Cold. EXCUSE ME? THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE SPRING BREAK. Awesome-rainy and cold in Prague. Hmm let's go ahead and check Munich--YOU DON'T SAY? Rainy and Cold. Just for arguments sake, I'm going to check to see what the weather is like in Kandahar. Well would you believe..Its 86 degrees and sunny there? Next year, come spring break time, I know where I'm headed in a desert all-terrain vehicle.

Also, I just want to acknowledge that yes, I realize the title of this..Well I can't even really type it out because when I do I feel like such a loser (I mean, not to judge those who do it..I just think, in general, that you are freaks) but I realize the title of this (starts with a B and ends with a Log)is really terrible. "Spring Travels" Who the F do I think I am? Ms. Elizabeth Bennett...Jane Austen-Style? I can't really see E.B (pride and prejudice losers know what this means) downing pints of Straopramen and sleeping in a Hostel bedroom with potentially 18 other miscreants who may or may not be gainfully unemployed.

Also, I'm so glad that we are now approaching 2am and I have yet to pack one item. I'm not too worried about it though--although i'm sure when i'm in Venice i'll realize i've forgotten something I can't live without--like batteries for my pacemaker.No, I don't have a pacemaker

Enter the drunkards into the K.C Courtyard. Let's keep our fingers crossed that my good friends, "You Steal My Bike I stab you with a Knife" make another appearance tonight. I very much enjoyed when the gangly one proceeded to strip and jump on top of cars, all the while screaming, "I'M GOING TO CUT YOUR BLOODY BALLS OFF" as he pounded the concavity that was his chest. OH WAIT, YES, MY DREAM HAS COME TRUE--while it appears as if "You Steal My Bike.." has gone on holiday, "OH YEAH GIVE IT TO HER, GIVE IT TO HER GOOD, STICK IT TO HER, POUND HER" has come to take his vacant time slot. Let it be known: there is no one else in the courtyard, and the individual is screaming with his eyes closed.

On that note: i'm going to pack. Read more