There is a new trend hitting the internet that I really feel uncomfortable with -- it is "parents who film their toddlers dancing ridiculously to a rap song, and putting it on youtube." I'm not exactly sure how this started, or who the first parent was to immortalize their young child grinding to Lil John...but it HAS GOT TO STOP.
I have stumbled upon a new video, by "Henry" a precious young ginger whose parents decided, "HEY! lets have our child dance to the 'whisper song' by the ying yang twins!"
SERIOUSLY? You're having your little toddler thrust and gyrate to, "keep a hoe hot when i'm puttin' in work...Wanna skeet skeet you bout to get your feelin's hurt...Cuz I'll beat dat cat with a dog...And knock da walls of a broad til she crawl." What about the ending --- when you have your toddler son shake what his mamma gave him to the camera for a good 20 seconds. Really? You don't think this is going to somehow come back and haunt him??
I'm going to be honest with you, Mom and Dad -- if Ginger is ever working for me...I'm going to locate this video, and send it to the ENTIRE OFFICE. Just remember that when he moves back into your house at age 27, unemployed.
Read more
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Lil Layne's Reading Korner
So -- in my prior life (prior, as in before I was an overworked paralegal or..more recently...a jaded law student constantly in the throes of an existential crisis), I used to be a literature major. Because of this $200,000 education, I am extremely qualified to make intelligent and informed book suggestions/recommendations. So, I've decided to start a routine segment called "Lil Layne's Reading Korner." My first book that I would like to discuss is a groundbreaking novel by the author Meesha Mink called, "The Hood Life." I didn't *actually* read this book. (Does anyone really want to read my opinion on Zoe Heller's The Believers? No.) But, on a recent trip to Barnes and Nobel, I saw it on a table and picked it up. (See cover below).

A Note from the publisher: Tavon, better known as "Sweet," would pimp his own mother -- and he does. Convinced that the prostitution game chose him, Sweet loves his high-rolling life. But when he unexpectedly becomes a father, will Sweet be able to choose between the family trade and his grown, not-so-innocent daughter?
After ten years in prison, the drive-by Demarcus committed still haunts him. Determined to stay above the law, he's found Allah, promised to change his ways forever, and finally do right by his girl, Zoey. But when an opportunity arises that will set him and Zoey right for life, Demarcus may have more faith in his killah reputation than the Koran....
Kaseem runs every single drug going in and out of Bentley Manor. His empire provides clothes, cash, and his satisfaction of his wifey, Quilla -- along with the company of other ladies, of course. But when Kaseem's crew becomes more violent, will he be able to escape the life -- and the gangsters -- he created?
The best playa on the block, Rhakmon can get a woman to do anything he wants. His latest girlfriend, Shaterica, lets him steal, lie, and cheat -- smitten to be under his spell. But when Rhakmon's devious deeds are finally brought to light, the revenge Shaterica plans may ultimately be more horrible than anything he could have imagined....
From the ladies who brought you Desperate Hoodwives and Shameless Hoodwives, the streets of Atlanta are hotter than ever with drama, sex, and danger -- profilin' four men desperate for anything but their hood life.
A couple of notes:
1) Tavon pimps his mother? Seriously?
2) Kaseem, leader of a drug empire has a "wifey"? Seriously?
3) Rhakmon's girlfriend Shaterica is "smitten" with him? Smitten? Seriously? Read more I didn't *actually* read this book. (Does anyone really want to read my opinion on Zoe Heller's The Believers? No.) But, on a recent trip to Barnes and Nobel, I saw it on a table and picked it up. (See cover below).

A Note from the publisher: Tavon, better known as "Sweet," would pimp his own mother -- and he does. Convinced that the prostitution game chose him, Sweet loves his high-rolling life. But when he unexpectedly becomes a father, will Sweet be able to choose between the family trade and his grown, not-so-innocent daughter?
After ten years in prison, the drive-by Demarcus committed still haunts him. Determined to stay above the law, he's found Allah, promised to change his ways forever, and finally do right by his girl, Zoey. But when an opportunity arises that will set him and Zoey right for life, Demarcus may have more faith in his killah reputation than the Koran....
Kaseem runs every single drug going in and out of Bentley Manor. His empire provides clothes, cash, and his satisfaction of his wifey, Quilla -- along with the company of other ladies, of course. But when Kaseem's crew becomes more violent, will he be able to escape the life -- and the gangsters -- he created?
The best playa on the block, Rhakmon can get a woman to do anything he wants. His latest girlfriend, Shaterica, lets him steal, lie, and cheat -- smitten to be under his spell. But when Rhakmon's devious deeds are finally brought to light, the revenge Shaterica plans may ultimately be more horrible than anything he could have imagined....
From the ladies who brought you Desperate Hoodwives and Shameless Hoodwives, the streets of Atlanta are hotter than ever with drama, sex, and danger -- profilin' four men desperate for anything but their hood life.
A couple of notes:
1) Tavon pimps his mother? Seriously?
2) Kaseem, leader of a drug empire has a "wifey"? Seriously?
3) Rhakmon's girlfriend Shaterica is "smitten" with him? Smitten? Seriously? Read more
Cougars: an update
Dear Dedicated Readers from across the Globe (this includes you, Nigerian Prince who will be sending me my great windfall when his father the King gets his throne back),
Something horrible has happened! Or maybe it is wonderful? Whatever this case...Moonbeam, the cougar I highlighted in my blog from, has REMOVED HER PROFILE. I would like to think my readers were the catalyst for this. Good Work. 1 down....a lot more to go.
I've gone ahead and located some other Cougars who still have a profile on deserving of spotlight:
Raraqueen: Irony of ironies -- this cougar who classifies herself as in an "open marriage" listed Big Love as one of her favorite tv shows. She is also opening a "Cougar Club" -- although I shudder to think what that might mean.
Lady Jag: I hereby submit a new category of Cougar -- the Goth Cougar. A couple of points: 1) it looks like maybe she has already found her prey? and 2) any idea what this particular descriptor means? "I am the hot breath in your ear as you lay whimpering. I am that tugging in the back of your mind, the thought that something is awry. I am the one following you when the hair on the back of your neck is erect and you see no one behind." I guess being able to evoke the feeling that something has gone TERRIBLY WRONG is what the men are looking for these days?? Should I just walk around covered in faux blood? Will this help me find a man?
And finally...Leslie Blue. No comment necessary. I would include a copy of her link to her personal website....but it is SO NSFW...its just not safe for personal sanity either, now that I think about it. glad you didn't see it Read more
Something horrible has happened! Or maybe it is wonderful? Whatever this case...Moonbeam, the cougar I highlighted in my blog from, has REMOVED HER PROFILE. I would like to think my readers were the catalyst for this. Good Work. 1 down....a lot more to go.
I've gone ahead and located some other Cougars who still have a profile on deserving of spotlight:
Raraqueen: Irony of ironies -- this cougar who classifies herself as in an "open marriage" listed Big Love as one of her favorite tv shows. She is also opening a "Cougar Club" -- although I shudder to think what that might mean.
Lady Jag: I hereby submit a new category of Cougar -- the Goth Cougar. A couple of points: 1) it looks like maybe she has already found her prey? and 2) any idea what this particular descriptor means? "I am the hot breath in your ear as you lay whimpering. I am that tugging in the back of your mind, the thought that something is awry. I am the one following you when the hair on the back of your neck is erect and you see no one behind." I guess being able to evoke the feeling that something has gone TERRIBLY WRONG is what the men are looking for these days?? Should I just walk around covered in faux blood? Will this help me find a man?
And finally...Leslie Blue. No comment necessary. I would include a copy of her link to her personal website....but it is SO NSFW...its just not safe for personal sanity either, now that I think about it. glad you didn't see it Read more
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