Wednesday, June 29, 2011 Winking

So, as some of you may, or may not know...there is a feature on which allows a person to "wink" at you.  I don't know if they are trying to approximate the scene at a bar with this feature or what, but let me tell you something...if someone is winking at me in a bar, I am never speaking to them on principle.  If you want to talk to me, be a man and come up and try and speak to me.  Or in virtual world, send me a message.  But I digress.  Needless to say, it seems as though the "wink" seems to be the preferred method of reaching out for the following demographics: The over 40yr olds seeking women ages 18-55, the non-college grads, and people from Gretna.  But, ever the equal opportunist, I have perused their profiles.  In doing so, there were a couple of things I felt compelled to share to the greater world.

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I used to have dreams.

Back before I was ruined by law school, I used to have dreams.  I wanted to be a writer for Saturday Night Live.  Then, law school not only stomped on those dreams, but spit on them.  As I sit here studying property, I decided to take a look back on my very amateur attempts at skit-writing.  I think I wrote this the night before one of my 1L exams...needless to say, I did not get the highest grade in the class.  But, since I haven't updated in a while, I thought I might copy paste this in lieu of writing an actual post, and share it with you.  Like I said, VERY rough and unrefined, but based on my real-life work experience.  Well, in the "boss sending an email but pretending not to remember the email immediately after sending it when confronted in person about it" sense.

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