Sunday, February 28, 2010

Nashville Mobile Update: Strokin'.

This man is doing the worlds worst karaoke version of "strokin" on earth. Meanwhile his lady is dropping it on the dance floor. I guess regardless he will be gettin' some tonight.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Amy Cavanaugh said...

Ahhhh, you are live updating Nashville!!!

Also, in relation to your first update, I want one of us to get married just so we can have a bachelorette party in Las Vegas.

Amy Cavanaugh said...

God no one should let me near a computer after 2 a.m.

Lil Layne said...

Or near a blackberry, it seems. I apologize for the incomprehensible messages I was sending you.

PS - I think that we need to do a Bachelorette Party where we can really do it in style: Cheers Bar, London.