Friday, August 07, 2009
A C-Murder Hiatus
I could always blog about my experience at city hall - but I hardly think that posts such as, "Have asked city civil servant where I can find X office. She does not look up from her lunch as she tells "I don't know." She continues eating red beans and does not notice that I am still standing there." qualifies as a riveting read. Read more
An Open Letter to the Miscreant Who Paintballed My Car
1-Your house is on the same street as the Jefferson Parish Civil Court, Criminal Court, and County Jail. People are going to park around there to get to their commitments. You see, some people have these things called "jobs" which they go to between the hours of 9 to 5. Obviously as someone who spends his time sitting around with a paintball gun (undoubtedly whilst wearing only your underwear, covered in Cheetos smudges), the concept of a "job" might be foreign to you.
2- Again - need I re-state it. Your house is on the SAME STREET as the county jail. Haven't you ever played Monopoly? All the crap properties no one wants to buy are right around the jail. This is not Park Place esque realty we're dealing with here.
3- You think I'm going to cower and hide from you? THINK AGAIN my friend. I am going to leave signs around my car, just DARING you to vandalize it. And when you do, I will then have you arrested, and I will sue you, and I will seize all your prized possessions, like your paintball gun, and your PlayStation, and your collection of Limp Bizkit CDs, and you will feel my wrath. Okay....i'm not *so* sure about the legality of that claim, but you best believe I am not going to take this lying down.
Lil Layne. Read more
Eyewitness Testimony
The second witness did a fairly good job re-creating the scene at the platinum club that night, although his credibility was a little sketch.
The night started out with such promise. It was Wild Wayne's Birthday Bash, and everyone was excited. (Aside: if you try to google "Wild Wayne," the person I am referring to is a dj for Hot 102.9, NOT the host of a show called "Rock n' Roll Memory Machine.") The line was long and out the door of the club, but that didn't stop people from hitting the hotspot. If you are interested - here is a picture of the building which used to house the Platinum Club. Some of you who live in New Orleans and went bowling at the rainbow lanes on the westbank might find this familiar -- it is right behind the bowling alley, on the second floor of the building. This picture is post-katrina.

Our eyewitness was standing in line waiting to pay the cover, and get frisked by the metal detectors when he saw C-Murder and his entourage of about 15 people roll in - all adorned with CP3 Hoodies.
Okay, I may have to do some explanation for our readers who are not familiar with the New Orleans housing project lingo. Each housing project basically acted like a gang, and people used to be very territorial about their projects. This doesn't happen so much anymore since most of the projects have been demolished, but back in the day you had places called Desire, the Magnolia ('nolia for short), the Calliope (prononced Ca(long a)ly-ope), and others. Some may have heard "the 'nolia" before, as that is where Juvenile, Lil Wayne, BG, the Hot Boyz all came from. Master P, C-Murder, Silk the Shocker, etc came from the Calliope. People from this housing project eventually shortened the name to CP3 (the 3 standing for the 3rd ward of New Orleans.) In any event, there was a hand symbol which accompanied all of projects (much like Gangs have signs). These symbols were apparently memorialized, and everyone in C-Murder's crew wore hoodies adorned with this symbol.

In case some of you are wondering how I know so much about housing project culture - you should know that I myself hailed from one such gang --- the GD1 (Garden District, 1st Ward...represent). There was some pretty serious turf-warring for a while there, until the shaving cream fight after our 8th grade finals was broken up by the neighborhood private patrol, and we were all sent back to our respective houses to be grounded. But man...for a while there...was it rough.
But I digress. Back to the story. The place was hopping, people were sporting their commemorative housing project hoodies (I suppose it was like the Mount Holyoke dorm hoodie sweatshirts...sort of...) and everyone is out to celebrate ya boy wild wayne's birthday party. That evening there is apparently some sort of rapping contest, and the victim raps on stage. After he is done, he gets in an altercation with the CP3 boys, and they start beating him, stomping him, jumping off tables onto him -- really, really terrible stuff. Let's keep in mind that the victim was only 16 years old at the time of his death. A bouncer named Peanut is trying to stop the fight, but to no avail. Meanwhile, as this is going on, C-Murder is outside of the melee. All of the sudden, as the kid is lying on the ground (again, this is according to the eyewitness), C-Murder walks up, pulls out a gun, and just shoots him. The place erupts into chaos, C-Murder and his crew are the first to flee. Of the approx 300 people who are in the club at the time of the shooting, only 150 remain after the police take control of the scene.
Okay - so the story sounds totally logical and plausible - but is this eyewitness credible? Ehhhhh.
1- he comes forward and gives a statement 1 year after the murder - after it is all over the news that c-murder is arrested for this murder.
2- he does not come forward on his own volition - he is already talking to the police about another crime he is a witness to (won't go into the details of that crime - too depressing). OH - and on this unrelated crime he witnessed, he got a deal from the DA in exchange for his testimony.
3- he has had something like 10 arrests from things ranging from possession of marijuana, to resisting arrest, yet he has basically served no time.
4- after the 4 months he actually did serve in jail for breaking his probation, the District Attorney gets him out, and in exchange, the witness signs a document saying he would testify against c-murder.
5- and probably the most damning piece of evidence at all -- when discussing the party, he said there were many celebrities in attendance. When asked to name the celebrities that were there...he said, "C-Murder" and no one else. I'm sorry, but C-murder hardly qualifies as a celebrity. Celebrities do not go to parties at nightclubs above bowling alleys in Harvey, Louisiana. Celebrities' entourages do not go around wearing home-made matching hoodies. I mean PLEASE. This guy needs to get out more if he thinks C-Murder qualifies as mega-celebrity status.
Now, I didn't see the first eyewitness testify, so maybe I would think differently if I had - but right now (for me at least), there is ample reasonable doubt. Read more
Thursday, August 06, 2009
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Cross examination
Mr Magoo desperately needs a paralegal. So far, cmurder has been doing his best filling the void by moving boxes, and handing him files...but homefry needs someone who has used a xerox copier before. I almost want to offer to work for him, but I will obviously require overtime, a car home, and free dinner.
Unrelated: I am almost positive there is something romantic going on with the judge's clerk (let's call him Irish spring...because of his red hair, and the arrogant way he walks about the courthouse) and this 20 year old who reads the oath who looks 15 because she still wears braces. Irish spring offered her some gum, winked at her, and she giggled. Meanwhile, this isn't a 7th grade is, after all, a murder trial.
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1. There are only 6 homicide investigators in Jefferson parish. Does this make sense to anyone??? Isn't new Orleans the murder capital of the country right now?
2. Cmurder keeps himself in shape. We saw photos of him sans shirt so the jury could he a sense of his tattooage. "cmurder" written on the front, "tru" written on his back.
3. Cmurder went into the police station wearing a saints jersey that said "murder" on the back. I'm sorry, but WHAT??? Is he missing synapses in his brain?? This was 6 days after the kid was killed. If nothing else, cmurder is guilty of not having tact.
4. There was much dicussion at the bench about someone by the name of "wango" who was convicted to a crime related to this murder. I wonder what it was? Judge blagojovich-hair wouldn't let the jury hear. Must investigate tonight.
5. The owners of the "platinum club" lied to the police about having a functioning video surveillance equipment (they told the police their equipment was just for show, when in fact it actually recorded. Then they later turned over a tape, but it was from the wrong night.)
6. While being questioned by the police, cmurder started asking the police officers questions about how many eyewitnesses we're coming forward, and what their names were. He then apparently started talking to the police officer about a friend of his named Mac the assassin. Hmm. Another exhibit pointing to the fact that cmurder might be a few screws loose.
Mr magoo's cross is up next...
OH! I forgot this part!! During one moment, when judge blagojovich-hair was playing on his laptop....I heard the unmistakable sound of the AIM beep. TELL me he is aimchatting. That would make my year. Ps. Did he not get the memo that the rest of the 21st century over the age of 15 has moved over to gchat?
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Back in the courtroom
I forgot to add...cmurder is wearing dockers. Do you think someone trained him on how to dress??
Okay, we are all back, and judge blagojovich-hair is asking the jury whether they want to work Saturday...the general consensus is that they want to take the weekend off. I mean, seriously...did judge blagojovich-hair REALLY think people were going to jump in the aisles and say, "hell yes I want to work Saturdays!!"????? Okay, next witness time.
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Lunch break
In more important news: I caught a glimpse of mr murder's shoes. He is wearing some classy brown leather shoes. If only these civil servants eating lunch near me would take note. Why must all people who work for the clerk of court's office wear posterpedic shoes? Is that part of the dress code?
Additionally, I caught a glimpse of what cmurder writes during the proceedings -- rap lyrics! At least that is what it looked like. I am very excited about the prospect that this trial might be a creative awakening for him. i hope he can come up lyrics as good as those to "wobble wobble" because those lyrics were just inspired.
Cmurder's lawyer is pretty good, I have to say. Sure, he looks like Mr. Magoo, but nothing seems to get past him. He might talk to much one point he turned to me and said, "I am the most disorganized person alive." maybe you don't mention that to someone who looks like they could be part of the press.
Judge blagojovich hair has been on his best behavior thus far. He really turns on the charm for the jurors. I really wonder how he gets his hair to stay like that. I have been disappointed in the lack of elevator music to serenade us while the lawyers approach the bench.
Ps - I forgot to mention this yesterday, but the female DA definitely had an extreme makeover before this trial. Her hair is both newly cut, and newly highlighted...and she got the most extreme and aggressive french tips done on her nails. They look like zombie/vampire nails - pointy and scary.
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C murder day 2
Today I am sitting on the defendant's side of the room.
Update. I have now been moved to the row directly behind c murder himself!! This might mean I won't be able to pull out my cell so frequently, but I do have a front row seat for the action.
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1-he has a pending charge in lake Charles that is "bad, real bad...but I intend to beat it". Turns out he is wanted for carnal knowledge of a minor.
2- he said that he didn't know she was a minor and that he "hired her and fired her, If you know what I mean."
3-he is is no longer allowed in alabama, because they are trying to get him to serve a life sentence.
After he said all of this, he asked the court judge blagojovich-hair If he could have house arrest. Judge blagojovich-hair actually started laughing.
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Back in court
Judge blagojovich-hair has a real way with inmates. As one was talking, I swear he was rolling his eyes.
They just brought in this inmate from some place called richwood correctional facility. From the looks of this guy, I would guess he is in some prison for the mentally ill...but can someone verify? He was giving me crazy eyez as he walked in...but, let's be honest...he must have noticed my streaky skin.
There is the DA who just crawled out of the sandbox he is so young. Whenever the judge asks him a question he can't answer, he does the old law school diversionary tactic of flipping through papers for an uncomfortable length of time. He also looks around into the audience when he doesn't know. This isn't the "price is right," one in the audience is going to signal the defendant's prior criminal record to you.
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Misc thoughts
Also, please note, that on the TVs in the atrium, fox news has been streaming 24/7. I guess it is too much to expect cnn... But what about a little today show?? Maybe some maury??
Lennie is really working a number behind the desk at that convenience stand. There is another line of about 15 people. I'm really not sure why, though...because everything for sale costs $1. It's not like he is making change for items which all cost $3.62.
Okay, time to head back to the courtroom to see what is up.
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Day 2 - c murder trial
845am:am running to the courthouse to get there in time and to get a seat. Arrive out of breath, sweating, covered in orange feral child streaks, only to find that the courtroom is packed with people awaiting arraignment. Am very confused, but figure they will get through these people before getting back to the trial. Sit on the defendant side, just in case.
9am: judge blagojovich hair arrives in court. Hurrah! Am so happy to see him.
905am: happiness is short lived, as I am thrown out of court with a quickness when the officers discover I do not have a subpoena.
910am: other interns have arrived waiting for the trial. There is talk about a clamping down of the "no cell phones in the courtroom" rule which has basically been ignored up til now. Oh jesus.
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Wednesday, August 05, 2009
I have failed you
In other news: as I was leaving the courthouse, one of the sheriffs officer turns to me and says, "So I see you dressed more appropriately today." Awesome. I am getting a reputation as the inappropriately dressed gatecrasher. Read more
Also, Lennie from "of mice and men" appears to run the sandwich stand in the courthouse. I waited 15 minutes to be served my water, even though there was just one person in line in front of me. He also has the most inexplicable cell phone ring tone - "good girls go bad."
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lunch break!
I may end up cutting out after lunch...the rest of the witnesses for today are all going to be boring forensic stuff methinks. Plus, it is sunny out, and I needs to work on my tan.
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2nd witness
C murder has been stoic this entire time. No talking, no writing notes, no facial expressions.
The judge, on the other hand, has been very animated...eating and drinking nonstop. I swear he just swigged from a half gallon bottle of milk. He was eating either popcorn, or m&m's while the da was going through photos of the infamous "platinum club " like he was at the movies.
The jurors look bored to tears.
Ps- Jefferson parish is really high tech. They have all these TVs, and the witness can mark up exhibits electronically- just like they do on espn.
Judge balgojovich-hair appears to be on his laptop now. What do you suppose he is looking at? Do judges go on facebook? Maybe his honor is a fan of lil layne.
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Opening statements and first witness
C-murder's family finally arrived right as opening statements started. I might be wrong...but I think I spy Silk the Shocker in the audience! Apparently he is ALSO the brother of master p.
DAs opening statement: the da referred to corey miller only as c murder. He opened by discussing the victim, a 16 year old who idolized c murder. He also tried to show that he was down with the rap culture by referring to the calliope housing projects as the cp3. Please keep in mind he looks like the dad from american pie, so I don't buy it. Aside: the judge is very striking in appearance. He has ron blagojovek hair.
Defense statement: I may have prematurely judged this lawyer because of his slow gait, and advanced age. He is pretty quick. He referred to c murder only by his Christian name, which was obviously smart. He also kept telling the jury to look at the evidence. He made a comment about the state's witnesses being coreced into testifying, which prompted a slew of objections.
The jury, btw? Probably the worst case scenario for c murder. It is jury which is disproportionately white and over the age of 50. Bad news bears.
Unrelated: every time the attys approach the bench, the judge puts on this elevator style classical music. It seems so....odd. If I were the DA, I would file a motion to request that they play "make em say Uhhhhh."
The first witness was the father of the victim, and his testimony was absolutely heart breaking. The victim idolized the miller brothers so much that he made a sign which read, "master p, c murder, silk the shocker, and Steve (his name)." the father was crying on the stand, and part of the family had to leave during the testimony. I'm not sure why they opened with him, though. I would think you'd want to close with that. Very powerful.
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Day 1 of C-Murder live blog...have I been thwarted already?
730: wake up again. Realize that as an adult, one must always follow through with their committments, and I promised my dedicated 3 readers that I would live blog this trial. Grudgingly get in the shower.
820am: park my car over in the ghetto surrounding Jefferson parish criminal court, and begin to walk over. As I'm walking over, I see this stuff flying through the sky. What is it, I wonder. A minute later I realize, a bird has defecated on me. On my arm. As I am walking to the courthouse. I scream out loud, and construction workers stare at me.
835am: after having gone to the bathroom to deal with the bird situation, I go to look for the trial on the daily docket board. Panic sets in. I do not see his name on the board. I begin walking in circles like a crazy person. I then spot 3 men who go to the docket computer thing, don't find his name, but continue walking towards a courtroom anyway, so I follow them.
840am: am sitting in the courtroom with these 3 men I followed, still unsure If I am at the right trial. All of the sudden, 4 DAs walk in, rolling 10 boxes of evidence, all labeled with the following- "c murder case". BINGO. I have arrived, and I have a seat. The main DA talks about how she was at work til 1am....this was apparently the latest night at work she has ever had. I'm sorry...but...If a highly publicised murder trial of a former rapper is not call for an all-nighter....then I don't know what is.
845am: more people arrive. There are now about 6 DAs setting up, and only 1 defense atty who looks old and a little lost. With him is a paralegal of untraditional age (she is approx 105 yrs old). He is probably out matched by the sheer manpower of the DAs office.
Update!!! Mr c murder himself has arrived. He is sorting a blue button up, and his lawyer is talking to him very seriously. He has no family here...which makes me a little sad. Where is master p, or lil Romeo??? The only people on his side are the 3 guys I followed here, and sluttily dressed women.
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Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Can I blog from my cell phone?
Dressing to Impress
Obviously, I need to dress professionally so I don't inspire ire from the police officers (again). But I also want to stand out so C-Murder notices me in the audience. I have been thinking about how to achieve this delicate balance, and I have some ideas.
The quickest way to jazz up a drab outfit is through the use of well placed accessories.

I think these earrings are a really classy way to catch C-Murder's eye. I must admit, I did not think of this idea on my own. When I was at court for my anonymous summer internship, I noticed a woman in the audience wearing these earrings (except in a gold finish so ornate that it could have been for royalty). Her man, sitting with the other inmates in the jury box, couldn't keep his eyes off of her, and they were exchanging messages through hand signals and miming that were...well...not really appropriate for a court of law, or the public, generally. Having said that, the earrings were obviously a brilliant success, and did their job.

Wearing the above emblem, on a gold chain, also seems to me to be a very good way to silently and discretely show my support. Additionally, I think that adding this item to a skirt suit is also a great way to break up the monotony of the work day. That is just a bit of advice to you working girls who read my blog!

I think wearing this commemorative t-shirt under a suit would be another way to show ones support of the 504 Boyz. Now...I'm not *entirely* sure what "TRU" means or stands for - but it popped up when I googled the following phrase "I support C-Murder t-shirts" so I figure it has to be somehow related, right? Read more
Monday, August 03, 2009
Day 1 of C-Murder Live Blogging

2:20pm: Only until I am crossing the crescent city connection do I realize I have no idea how to get to the courthouse. I call my father to ask him how to get there. He seems....confused
Layne: Hey, I need to go to jeff parish court house to go to the c-murder thing.
Dad: You WHAT? You're going to see a murder? That sounds very dangerous, I don't know if I want you witnessing a murder. How do you know a murder is going to happen? Is that on the craigslist?
L: Forget about it. bye dad
D: Bye - and are you cooking dinner tonight?
:::L hangs phone up:::
2:45: Arrive at courthouse, and do not see the sort of press set up I had imagined in my head. I also was able to find the courtroom number very easily, as they have have it up on a board. Weird. I figured TMZ, People Magazine, all the big media outlets would be snooping around to see what they could get on this trial of the century.
2:50: Walk up to the courtroom door, but am stopped by 3 police officers. They tell me that I cannot go in because there are jurors sitting in the audience. I inform them that courtrooms are public places, and I demand to be admitted. They tell me that is not possible, but to come back on wednesday, when there will be more space in the courtroom. I thank them and tell them I will see them Wed morning, bright and early. The officer then tells me, "yeah, I guess I will see you again, but girl, you need to dress more appropriately. This is a court of law. You look like you headin' to the beach." The second officer chimes in, "yeah you right girl." They both then proceed to stare me up and down. I suddenly feel very uncomfortable.
2:55: After walking to the elevator, I finally get a little courage, and go back to ask the fashion police if I can look in through the window. They agree. Mr. Murder is looking quiet dapper in a light green sweater with a button up underneath with glasses. Very Kanye West.
3:05: Leave the courthouse to go home. Will try again on Wednesday. Read more
OJ, Michael Jackson, Anna Nicole Smith...

What is C-murder on trial for, you ask? I'm sure it will come as no surprise that C-Murder is on trial for murder.
Here are the things you need to know about C-Murder: Once a member of the "only-popular-amongst-new orleans-teenagers" group 504 Boyz, C-Murder is also the younger brother of Master-P - best known for his lyrical masterpiece "Hoodie Hoo." C-Murder fell on some hard times, starting shooting up nightclubs, and ended up in jail. I won't bore my 3 readers with the details about the first trial, retrial, challenges on venue, etc. All you need to know about Mr. Murder is that when he was incarcerated in prison, he made a music video.
As you may have logically concluded -- the only possible move I can make at this point is to live-blog the proceedings. I realize this means I will have to sit in the courtroom and watch, like a general weirdo - but what else do I have to do until my vacation? Read more