2:20pm: Only until I am crossing the crescent city connection do I realize I have no idea how to get to the courthouse. I call my father to ask him how to get there. He seems....confused
Layne: Hey, I need to go to jeff parish court house to go to the c-murder thing.
Dad: You WHAT? You're going to see a murder? That sounds very dangerous, I don't know if I want you witnessing a murder. How do you know a murder is going to happen? Is that on the craigslist?
L: Forget about it. bye dad
D: Bye - and are you cooking dinner tonight?
:::L hangs phone up:::
2:45: Arrive at courthouse, and do not see the sort of press set up I had imagined in my head. I also was able to find the courtroom number very easily, as they have have it up on a board. Weird. I figured TMZ, People Magazine, all the big media outlets would be snooping around to see what they could get on this trial of the century.
2:50: Walk up to the courtroom door, but am stopped by 3 police officers. They tell me that I cannot go in because there are jurors sitting in the audience. I inform them that courtrooms are public places, and I demand to be admitted. They tell me that is not possible, but to come back on wednesday, when there will be more space in the courtroom. I thank them and tell them I will see them Wed morning, bright and early. The officer then tells me, "yeah, I guess I will see you again, but girl, you need to dress more appropriately. This is a court of law. You look like you headin' to the beach." The second officer chimes in, "yeah you right girl." They both then proceed to stare me up and down. I suddenly feel very uncomfortable.
2:55: After walking to the elevator, I finally get a little courage, and go back to ask the fashion police if I can look in through the window. They agree. Mr. Murder is looking quiet dapper in a light green sweater with a button up underneath with glasses. Very Kanye West.
3:05: Leave the courthouse to go home. Will try again on Wednesday.
1 comment:
"Lil' Layne's witty and insightful commentary of the C-Murder trial leaves her readers in stiches. THIS IS THE LEGAL BLOG TO READ."
-Maureen Dowd, NYTimes
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