"Who Dat": A (grammatically incorrect) war cry used by Saints fans of all generations. Some of the snobbier citizenry (read: my mom and dad) argue that the "Who Dat" only leads the nation at large to believe unfair stereotypes about the education and intelligence of Louisianians. I say to those snobs, who cares? So what if people think we aren't that smart? It's just like skinny tall model girls -- do you think men are going to stop wanting to sleep with them because they are stupid? No. Same rationale applies: people will continue to come to New Orleans even if they think we are deliverance-esque backwoods cajun hillbillies. Why? Because people can drink on the street, that is why. Plus - "Who's that?" just doesn't have the same ring to it.
"eaux": a suffix to be added to any word that ends with an "o" vowel sound. Traditionally used in the context of "Geaux Tigers," "eaux" has found it's way in a variety of different words and phrases. While I am okay with things like "13 and eaux"..people have started going a little too far with the "eaux." Like, "Heaux, heaux heaux" in lieu of "ho, ho, ho" is just weird.
Breesus: The affectionate nickname given to our much beloved quarterback, Drew Brees. On top of being one of the best quarterbacks in the league right now...he is also a stand-up guy who lives in Uptown New Orleans (while most of the other players live in some weirdo gated community in covington). Of course - living in the UPT does have it's pitfalls -- it makes it much easier for me to stalk him. Unrelated: if anyone knows where Breesus lives...please let me know. I would like to deliver a message to him a-la John Cusack in "Say Anything" (Boombox, Peter Gabriel playing in the background).
Who Dont: A phrase I recently came up with on my own (although no one seems to like it...) A who dont describes a really stupid move/action. Examples of Who Donts would be: when Reggie Bush runs backwards rather than forwards, when people miss an extra point kick, or when people try to do weirdo fake kicks. Sentence: "That Lil Layne just committed a real who dont."
Get Crunk: The song by the Ying Yang twins which is played every time the Saints score a touchdown in the Superdome. Crunk, as defined by urban dictionary, has two definitions, 1) crazy drunk or 2) smoking chronic and getting drunk. Normally, I would not feel the need to define such rudimentary terminology but my mother was under the belief that "crunk" meant "crazy with happiness." Bless her heart.
Holding: A penalty called by the referees when they are pissed off at their own lives, become angry and bitter, and decide to take it out on the poor unsuspecting Saints, because they want to see them lose. I liken the mental state of the referee to the average law student, who really wants to see someone from the top 10% of the class get a B in evidence.
The Unknown Who Dat: A man the camera panned on during the 4th quarter of the Washington-New Orleans game. The unknown who dat appeared to be soaking wet, wearing a blanket around him, and missing teeth. But he continued smiling and dancing even though the outlook for the game was bleak. It appears as though the unknown who dat has been FOUND - and he has been given: playoff tickets, a hotel room to watch all the football games, and...the piece the resistance - Superbowl Tickets.

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