Sunday, November 02, 2008


One day when driving roommate back from the grocery store (her favorite place in all of Atlanta), roommate comments on the technological state of America.

Roommate: I think America, for telling the world it is so advanced, is very technologically behind
Layne: :::picks the wrong moment to start listening to roommate::: What do you mean?
R: Well look here, there are these chords with the electricity, so old on the street, so old
L: (Getting agitated that roommate is talking while "Love, Lockdown" is playing on the radio) I don't understand your point at all.
R: In Munich, we have chords built under the street, Germany is so much more advanced than America
L: (thinking to herself, "i'm not so sure 'advanced' is how i'd describe a country which has public restrooms with blown out holes between the men's and women's bathroom" as she saw when she was in Germany) I mean, you can't really compare the two cities at all
R: I think you can compare, they are very similar.
L: (is starting to want to careen the car into one of the electrical posts which is the topic of the conversation, but traffic will not allow her to do so.) I mean, let's be honest here, WASN'T MUNICH REBUILT 50 YEARS AGO???
::: Awkward Silence::::
R: I mean, yes, it was rebuilt, but that is no reason why America can't put in these sorts of underground wire technologies like Munich
L: That is exactly a reason. When you rebuild a city, you get to start over. It is very hard to completely dismantle an infrastructure unless say, there is a world war which destroys the entire city. Then maybe you have time to do things like build electrical wires under ground. And New York City does have underground wires. So there.
::: L speeds car into parking lot and runs out as quickly as possible. Conversation is over.:::::

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