Keep it nice
I can't tell you how many times i've seen beggars lash out when things don't go their way. One time I was walking home, and there was some woman on the street begging who started out so nice and was like "sweetie..i need money..." -- I did the obligatory "look down and pretend you didn't hear" move. Obiviously Woman on the Street didn't like this AT ALL, and she responded with, "well you look like you've never had to go hungry for too long". Hey, you just called me sweetie -- now you're telling me i look like i've never skipped a meal?? Any shot you had at my turning around and giving you some spare change has flown out the window. Yesterday, on the subway, one particularly aggressive beggar yelled, "SLUT", to this awkward librarian type with glasses who didn't look up from her book to give him money. I, of course, didn't make matters any better b/c even after he got off the train, i turned to the entire train and asked, "wait, did he just call that girl a slut??" Awkward Librarian looked like she wanted to die.
Show some creativity
There are some homeless people who really show some creativity -- they sing, they tap bricks on the ground to make noise, they breakdance, they hum really loudl while rocking back and forth. I like to see this, and I am definitely more inclined to give you money if you, in whatever way you can, "worked for it".
Look the Part
I sometimes see beggars with nicer nikes than I have. This makes me particularly livid, as, right now, I have 2 pairs of shoes I continue to wear with holes in them. Now, I'm not saying I *should* be walking around with hole-y shoes, but I don't think beggars should be wearing un hole-y shoes when they are asking me (girl who is wearing shoes w/holes) for money.
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