Today Ptay decided it would be a FABULOUS idea to hold a debate on energy---wow, she must have broken the brain piggy bank to think that one up. Adding insult to injury, she started laughing during my portion of the presentation---I guess PTay didn't appreciate my SLIGHTLY over-dramatic tone (okay, it wasn't so slight...at the end of the presentation I yelled "THIS IS OUR CHARGE WE MUST HEED IT", but whatever.) Next time she laughs at me I think I'm going to throw a sack of mail at her and tell her to deal with it (In a not-so-former life she used to deliver mail for the USPS...now she's dripping sweat on my notebook while telling me about Global Warming.)
what's with that shirt?
Just some brief comments...well perhaps brief in comparison to a Dennis story. 1) "THIS IS OUR CHARGE WE MUST HEED IT" - It's going on my facebook quotes. 2)Just remember that instead of 20 cats living with her, that she has 20 pet rocks, which is by far, more pathetic.
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